Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Q&A With David H. - Runner, Blogger and Chiropractic Success Story

I recently had the privilege of taking turns asking and answering questions with David Hylton about running, injuries and chiropractic. David is an editor by day, but he is an avid runner, blogger and all-around good guy.

David first came into Wimmer Chiropractic for an iliotibial band injury that was limiting his ability to train the way he wanted. Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) typically causes pain along the outside of the knee, but many times that is not where the underlying problems occur. Misalignments in the spine and pelvis often cause imbalances in the core and extremities. The body can try to adapt to these problems, but if the underlying causes go uncorrected long enough, pain and suffering eventually follow. ITBS is a common problem amongst runners, especially when running on hills, which is nearly impossible to avoid in our neck of the woods.

David mentions that pictures of himself actually jump-started his journey toward better health. Here are the pictures:

In this video it is my turn to ask the questions...and you get to see David in his current form.

To learn more about David's motivational journey to better health and wellness, you can read his blog (where you can also see the other half of our Q&A session). He is also active on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. Glad we could do this! Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for all you've done. For those looking for the other side of the Q&A, you can go here:

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