I do not recommend products or services that I have not used myself or seen others benefit from it, so I just started a "Cleanse/Detox" diet protocol to see what it's all about. Admittedly, I recently packed on some extra pounds so my experiment is somewhat self-serving. I won't reveal the product/protocol until I'm finished...so don't ask.
What I will do is give you some insight into my thoughts and feelings during the week long process.
Day 1
I got up excited to begin this trial, even though I am somewhat skeptical. I weighed my self, took some measurements and even took a few pictures (that probably won't be shared). The protocol uses 3 products: capsules, a cleanse liquid and a shake.
After doing the morning procedures, I got my workout in and felt pretty good. My face did feel a little warm from the herbs included. I was off to work and doing well, even without any coffee at all (expected massive headache to come on shortly). The mid-morning snack definitely helped get me through.
Lunch consisted of more of the cleanse/shake protocol. Began thinking the shake really wasn't very good. Took a short power nap and was ready for the afternoon in the office. Another snack was welcome because I felt a little sluggish. Went to my son's wrestling practice and felt pretty good.
Dinner was some chicken and some raw vegetables. It was plenty but did take some will-power to stop. Night time eating is my problem area! Finished the evening with more cleanse/shake and decided the shakes really are terrible, but I can manage for a week.
Off to bed at 10:45, which is early for me! Oh, no massive caffeine withdrawal headache, so that's a good thing. Let's see what tomorrow holds!
Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net