Monday, April 25, 2011

Reduce Tension Between Your Chiropractic Adjustments

Do you ever feel tension, stress or a headache coming on between your chiropractic adjustments? Does it ever happen outside of your chiropractor's regular office at 9:30 at night and it took forever to get your kids to bed, or on Saturday evening and your next appointment is on Tuesday?

Still Point InducerThe Still Point Inducer is a great product to have at home for just these occasions! Here is some information from the website that I use to order the product for my office:

Use this simple device inspired by Dr. John Upledger and created by John Matthew Upledger to create soothing still points like those you can achieve with CranioSacral Therapy. 
By applying gentle pressure to the base of your head, you can create a pause in the rhythm of the craniosacral system. These still points increase the movement of fluid through your system, which can remove tissue tension and improves your body's ability to relieve pain and stress naturally. 

Simply lying in a relaxed position on the Still Point Inducer for 10 to 20 minutes a day can bring about comforting results:
* Helps relieve headaches
* Eases chronic musculoskeletal pain
* Enhances immune system efficiency
* Facilitates your body's self-correcting abilities
* Provides deep relaxation and helps reduce stress
* Promotes an overall sense of well-being

This is really a simple to use device. Just align the Still Point Inducer with your ears while lying on the floor or other firm surface and allow your body to relax. I have found in my own experience and based on comments from patients that use it, that the during the first few minutes of use you may feel a "good hurt," but after that you begin to feel relief. Patients that are receiving chiropractic adjustments for headaches have reported that using the device when the tension first comes on will keep a headache from occurring. This can be especially helpful early in treatment before the misalignments or subluxations in the neck have had time to stabilize. Others have stated that the Still Point Inducer helps reduce sinus congestion as well. We have even had patients doze off while using it while at the office, so the claim of providing "deep relaxation" has certainly held true in my experience.

If you are suffering with chronic headaches, tension or stress, make sure you first get evaluated by your chiropractor to find out if misalignments in your spine are causing increased stress on your nervous system! Then ask if using a Still Point Inducer is right for you.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring Yard Work Tips to Keep You Healthy

When I shot this video on Friday afternoon, I had no idea what kind of crazy weather our area would have today. So first off, I hope everyone has stayed safe and avoided damage. I hope these tips will help you stay safe and healthy if you have some clean-up to do following the storms.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Q&A With David H. - Runner, Blogger and Chiropractic Success Story

I recently had the privilege of taking turns asking and answering questions with David Hylton about running, injuries and chiropractic. David is an editor by day, but he is an avid runner, blogger and all-around good guy.

David first came into Wimmer Chiropractic for an iliotibial band injury that was limiting his ability to train the way he wanted. Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) typically causes pain along the outside of the knee, but many times that is not where the underlying problems occur. Misalignments in the spine and pelvis often cause imbalances in the core and extremities. The body can try to adapt to these problems, but if the underlying causes go uncorrected long enough, pain and suffering eventually follow. ITBS is a common problem amongst runners, especially when running on hills, which is nearly impossible to avoid in our neck of the woods.

David mentions that pictures of himself actually jump-started his journey toward better health. Here are the pictures:

In this video it is my turn to ask the questions...and you get to see David in his current form.

To learn more about David's motivational journey to better health and wellness, you can read his blog (where you can also see the other half of our Q&A session). He is also active on Twitter and Facebook.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Top 4 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor!

In keeping with the theme of the upcoming events, here are my Top 4 reasons to visit a chiropractor.

#4: You want to leave the pain and suffering behind!

#3: Drugs and surgery are not the best option!

#2: You have a spine and you are breathing!

and the #1 reason...

You remember this guy? He thought it was a great idea!